Design Techniques That Positively Impact Conversions & Grow Your Business
We presently are witnessing a scenario where companies engaged in the sale of goods/ services rely on their website to boost sales and grow their business. A well-designed site that converts visitors in to customers is then necessary. However, some sites are able to convert visitors in to customers whereas in some sites, visitors click the back button and leave within seconds of landing on the site. What is it that makes visitors stay on some sites whereas in others they exit as quickly as they come? Let us look at a few of the major ingredients that make users stay on your site and accomplish goals you have set. Improved Navigation You will need to prioritize the design in a way that makes the navigation bar easy to find and simple to use. The navigation bar is your visitor’s menu of what you do; give them what they came here for. Design Good Landing Pages The general goal of a landing page is to convert site visitors in to sales. If you have a commercial site and are in to selling products / services, then you need to have a landing page that will entice visitors to click on the products on offer. You should design landing pages that will entice visitors to convert and if your landing page is of poor quality, it will negatively affect the growth of your business. Diversify your payment options Provide your customers with all the major payment options like paypal, American express and others that users generally use. Each customer will have his specific preference and if he finds that, you provide his preferred payment option, he will transact business with you or else he may exit your site; if he does so, you lose a potential customer.  Stay on top of social media  Having an active social media presence will help you promote your business among a large number of online customers. If you have a website that is well known among your social circles and its content shared and  talked about among your peers, then there is every possibility that search engines consider your site to be an authoritative site and this will increase your organic rankings. You should design your site in such a way that you make social media integration a part of the design process. Fonts  Typography and the font faces we choose make a major impression on users. Site designers should lay utmost emphasis in creating pleasing designs with better user experience, pleasing color combinations and appropriate font sizes. Mistakes with fonts can cause your user to click the back button and leave your site; this will have a negative impact on your business growth. Better Calls to Action Displaying prominently “calls to action” button on a website has been shown to improve the conversion rate dramatically. Calls to action such as “register now, “call now” etc offers instructions and compel users take to a certain course of action that aids goal conversions. Having Short Forms If you want users to accomplish goals you have set, then make it a point to provide your users with a short form; do not let them drop off because your form is too long. Bring color and life to your site by adding images of your products, your team or yourself. Avoid use of excessive ads in your site. Interact with your visitors through regular updates, comment boxes or social media widgets.  

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